Get It Done With Effective Goal Setting

Where are YOU going in Year 2016 and Beyond?

You don’t need a New Year’s resolution to set in motion a positive change in your life. However, you do need to set goals and put a plan into action. Many times we are not taught to set goals. Yes, we may find ourselves dreaming about a better vacation, getting out of debt or owning a business when the boss asks us to work yet, another weekend. But effective goal setting is more than just talking or dreaming about what you want to accomplish. There are specific steps to successful goal setting. Here are some guidelines to help you establish your goals and achieve them.

What Do YOU Want Out of Life?

The foundation to a goal begins with a want, desire or a dream. First of all, you must search yourself for the wants, desires and dreams that you have and select those that make the most sense for you to accomplish. Even though you may want to take a cruise around the world, does it make sense to go on that cruise this coming year or are there more important things to do? Only you can evaluate your personal situation. Now that you have decided what you want to do or change in your life, you must write these down on paper. Writing helps cement these specific goals into your brain and makes them available for constant review.

Set the Time Frame

What turns wants, desires and dreams into goals is adding a time frame for accomplishing them. Without a time frame, you may never start taking the appropriate actions you need to accomplish your goals. A time frame will help keep procrastination away. For each of the goals you have written down, select a completion date. Be somewhat aggressive here. If you are feeling a sense of urgency, then you will be more apt to stay focused and work through any obstacles.

Define a Clear Plan to Accomplish Your Goals

Take your goals and make an outline of each step needed to make that goal a reality. Write your plan down. Break your plan into “bite-size” accomplishments. For example, if you want to change positions at your job and this new position requires experience in a new software, then you need to first register for the classes, then take them and finally complete the classes. You can celebrate each “bite-size” accomplishment. Let’s say you want to lose weight so create a diet and exercise program to lose 20 pounds. Remember, “bite-size” actions…so set a plan to lose the 20 pounds over 40 weeks; basically a pound every two weeks.

Review Your Goals and Take Action!

Have your goals where you can access them at any time. Put them on your computer, put them in your planner, put them in your purse, put them in your car, put them everywhere so you can review them to make sure that you are directing your actions toward the accomplishment of these important goals you have set for yourself. Reviewing your goals often helps keep them on the forefront of your mind. Remember your Mother saying, “out of sight, out of mind”, this is true for your goals. If you are not constantly reminding yourself about what it is you need to do, then you will fall victim to failure. Written goals without action are worthless scraps of paper. No plan can be accomplished without you making the necessary actions to achieve it. With your goals in hand, you can judge every action you take to determine if it will help you accomplish your goals and if necessary make small tweaks along the way to keep you on track.

What does the future hold? Will you have those things that you dream about or will you settle for what you currently have? Only you can decide. WHY NOT make this the year for a positive change in YOUR life and those you love. There is no BETTER time than now!

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